Hello, and welcome to my web page. As you read through this, you will find out quite a bit about me. You should first know that I am Dyslexic so please excuse any spelling. Next I should tell you where all the names come from. Gargoyle is a name given to me for perching on the back of one of my friends sofa chair when she was on the computer. I was her little gargoyle, well OK not so little. On the net I am also known as G'in, Johan, and Shetan. Gian is my given name. Íñigo Guillermo de Guipúzcoa is a name I took in the S.C.A. inc. which I talk about more later in the web page.
Well there's a few ways to get to know someone. You can read their life story, look at their photographs, check out where they spend their time, who they spend their time with, or all the above. So here it goes.
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